Watch FMW-E -Sky High 2021 10 24

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Watch FMW-E -Sky High 2021 10 24 Full Show Replay Free Online


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Atsushi Onita talked that he returned to the starting point, teamed up with Sanshiro Takagi (DDT Pro Wrestling / Cyber ​​Fight President) at FMW-E Launch Round 4 “SKY HIGH” (October 24, Kanagawa / Tsurumi Bombing Arena = Tsurumi Fruit and Vegetable Market). It has been decided to play against Mr. Pogo and Abdullah Kobayashi (Big Japan Pro Wrestling) (match style is undecided).


Twenty-one years ago, Onita participated in DDT’s Shibuya club ATOM tournament in Tokyo on the 13th of the same month, just before the long-awaited explosion death match with Riki Choshu (July 30, 2000, Yokohama Arena), with Takagi. Crashed in a no-rope barbed wire death match (single match). For Takagi, this was his first experience with Deathmatch. At that time, Onita withdrew from the FMW he founded, fought against the mighty enemy New Japan Pro-Wrestling alone, and succeeded in pulling out Choshu, who had retired. At that time, Onita and Takagi had an independent spirit and had a history of meeting at a small venue.

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Onita, who passed through his mind at that time, said, “I was impressed with the barbed wire deathmatch at that time. Once again, we also returned to the origin and wanted to grab something for myself at that time. Would you like to go back to the times? We are waiting for you at the Tsurumi Bombing Arena on October 24th. “

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Takagi said in response to this throw. “Even though I was about to fight Choshu two weeks later, I had to fight myself. The match was played on” Colosseum “(NTV) and” World Pro Wrestling “(TV Asahi), and I was a professional wrestler. It has come to be recognized by the world. There is no reason to refuse this tag request from Mr. Onita. I would like to stand next to Mr. Onita and regain the feeling of those days when I fought with Mr. Onita! Thank you for your cooperation on October 24th. “





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